Advancing Research: The Role of the EOSC and EOSC Support Office Austria
by Katharina Flicker (EOSC Support Office Austria, SBA Research, TU Wien), Stefan Hanslik (BMBWF), Tereza Kalová (Vienna University Library, University of Vienna)
In 2015, the vision of a European federated and open multi-disciplinary environment, known as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), was born. EOSC represents a significant leap towards more integrated and accessible scientific resources across Europe. In this context, the EOSC Support Office Austria (EOSC SOA) was launched to coordinate Austria’s contributions to EOSC’s implementation. If you are interested in exploring how EOSC and EOSC SOA are shaping the future of research and why they are crucial for the ERCIM community, continue reading.