by Erwin Schoitsch (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology) and Amund Skavhaug (NTNU)

In 2016 the ERCIM Working Group Dependable Embedded Software (DES) co-organised and co-hosted workshops and special sessions at a number of renowned conferences, including the Cyber-Physical Systems Week in Vienna, the SAFECOMP conference in Trondheim (Norway), and the Euromicro conferences on Digital System Design (DSD) and Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) in Limassol, Cyprus. At each of these conferences, ERCIM and the DES Working Group were introduced as one of the key elements in the European landscape of research in embedded systems, cyber-physical systems and systems-of-systems.

Cyber-Pysical Systems Week in Vienna, Imperial Castle in the City Centre, April 11-14, 2016
In April, Vienna hosted an outstanding event; the preeminent embedded systems/cyber-physical systems conference known as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Week. This event combined four top conferences, ‘Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC)’, ‘International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems  (ICCPS)’, ‘Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)’, ‘Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS)’, and numerous workshops and side events. Altogether the CPS Week program covers a multitude of complementary aspects of CPS, and brings together leading researchers in this dynamic field.

Werner Weber, Infineon Munich, co-ordinator of the EMC² project, moderating a talk
Werner Weber, Infineon Munich, co-ordinator of the EMC² project, moderating a talk.

Erwin Schoitsch giving a talk.
Erwin Schoitsch giving a talk.

This multi-conference event was co-organised by Vienna University of Technology, IST Austria, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, University of Salzburg and TTTech, with Prof. Radu Grosu from Vienna University of Technology and Prof. Thomas Henzinger from IST Austria serving as the event chairs. Apart from the four main conferences, CPS Week hosted 21 workshops, six tutorials, three summits and the localisation competition. In total, it brought together over 1,000 researchers, students and practitioners from all around the world. The event attracted participants from five continents, representing 484 universities, research institutes and companies.

Erwin Schoitsch, as chairperson of the DES WG, organised a one-day event with 17 presentations, a keynote and a poster exhibition, the ‘EMC² Summit’, the name of which was derived from the largest Embedded Systems project of the ARTEMIS initiative (now ECSEL). ERCIM as co-hosting organisation, was highlighted in the introduction. The papers have been collected and will be published in an open access repository as ERCIM. They provide a very good overview of the multitude of issues to be tackled in multi-core mixed criticality CPS. This summit ranked among the top three side events of the CPS-Week.
ERCIM-DES Working Group co-hosting the DECSoS Workshop at SAFECOMP 2016 in Trondheim
Since the establishment of the SAFECOMP conference in 1979, the event has contributed to the progress of the state of the art in dependable application of computers in safety-related and safety-critical systems. SAFECOMP is an annual event covering the state of the art, experience and new trends in the areas of safety, security and reliability of critical computer applications. Amund Skavhaug, co-chair of the ERCIM-DES WG, acted as general chair, program chair (together with Jeremie Guiochet from LAAS) and host of SAFECOMP 2016. For many years, the annual SAFECOMP conferences have been complemented by a series of workshops.

The DECSoS workshop (ERCIM/EWICS/ARTEMIS Workshop on ‘Dependable Embedded and Cyber-physical Systems and Systems-of-Systems’) at SAFECOMP has been an annual tradition since its inception in 2006. In the past, it focussed on conventional  ‘embedded systems’, covering all aspects of dependability. To highlight the relationships between physics, mechatronics and the notion of interaction with a somehow unpredictable environment, the terminology was changed to ‘cyber-physical systems’.

In recent years the DECSoS Workshop has served as a dissemination event for safety and security critical projects. It was a full day workshop, co-hosted by several ARTEMIS and ECSEL projects, many of which were represented by a presentation or posters and flyers. The workshop was very well attended (more than 25 participants, additional chairs had to be brought into the room), and good discussions followed the interesting topics. The Workshop had four sessions, with 14 presentations in total:

  • Analysis, Test and Simulation
  • Automotive
  • Safety and Cyber-security Analysis and Co-Engineering
  • Embedded Systems’ Industrial Applications.

It is important to note that the main conference SAFECOMP 2016 and the Workshops have separate proceedings as Springer LNCS 9922 (main conference) and LNCS 9923 (SAFECOMP Workshops). Amund Skavhaug and Erwin Schoitsch, chairs of the DES Working Group, served as program chairs for the DECSoS Workshop and managed the Workshop Proceedings.

SAFECOMP 2017 will take place in Trento, Italy, from 12 – 15 September, 2017, with Erwin Schoitsch as co-chair. Once again the EWICS/ERCIM/ARTEMIS DECSoS Workshop is planned for the first day, September 12th, 2017. Save the date!

Euromicro 2016 DSD/SEAA in Limassol, Cyprus
The well-established Euromicro conferences are two joint conferences which form the back bone of the Euromicro activities. These are SEAA (Software Engineering of Advanced Applications) and DSD (Digital Systems Design). The year 2016 saw the 42nd and 19th SEAA and DSD conferences respectively.

In the Euromicro/ARTEMIS/ERCIM Special Session ‘Software and Education Ecosystems’, which was organised by Erwin Schoitsch, approaches to sustainable innovation eco-systems were presented. Activities like the European workshops on Education, Training and Skills, addressing the interests of the European Electronic Leaders Group, the ARTEMIS E&T WG, and ERCIM were reported in their European context.  Erwin Schoitsch and Amund Skavhaug from the ERCIM DES WG chaired this special session.

In 2017, Euromicro will be held on 30 August -1 September by TU Vienna, OCG (Austrian Computer Society) and AIT in Vienna at TU Vienna. This will be a very good opportunity to present ERCIM and ERCIM DES WG work and ambitions. The proceedings are published by IEEE. E. Schoitsch is co-chair of the conference, Amund Skavhaug involved in organisation and publication on behalf of Euromicro. A Euromicro/ERCIM/ARTEMIS special session with an extended scope (including standardisation) has been proposed again and will be called:

Teaching, Education, Training and Standardization for CPS and SoS to Build Sustainable Innovation Ecosystems (TET-CPSoS). Save the Date: 30 August– 1 September, Vienna!

EMC² Summit 2016 at CPS Week:
Safecomp 2016:
Safecomp 2017:
Euromicro 2016:

Please contact:
Erwin Schoitsch, AIT, Austrian Institute of Technology
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Cultural AI
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