by Maurice ter Beek

The yearly conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, FMICS, the key conference at the intersection of industrial applications and formal methods, reached its 27th edition this year. Moreover, after two years online, this year’s participants met in Warsaw, Poland, on 14 and 15 September.

The aim of the FMICS conference series is to provide a forum for researchers interested in the development and application of formal methods in industry. It strives to promote research and development for the improvement of formal methods and tools for industrial applications.

The conference was chaired by Marieke Huisman (University of Twente, The Netherlands) and Jan Friso Groote (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) and organised under the umbrella of CONFEST 2022, alongside with CONCUR, QEST and FORMATS, organised by the general chair Sławek Lasota (University of Warsaw, Poland) and his team. FMICS 2022 attracted participants from many countries worldwide, both from academia and industry.

The international program committee, with members from 16 different countries, received 22 submissions of authors from 12 different countries, and decided to accept 13 papers after a thorough reviewing process. The program moreover included two excellent invited keynote presentations, namely “Reinforcement Learning with Guarantees that Hold for Ever” by Sven Schewe (Liverpool University, UK) and “Supporting Railway Innovations with Formal Modelling and Verification” by Bas Luttik (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands).

Following a tradition established over the years, Springer sponsored an award for the best FMICS paper. This year, the program committee selected the contribution “Deductive Verification of Smart Contracts with Dafny” by Franck Cassez, Joanne Fuller, Horacio Mijail, and Antón Quiles for the FMICS 2022 Best Paper Award.

Franck Cassez receives the FMICS 2022 Best Paper Award from Marieke Huisman (picture by Paula Herber)
Franck Cassez receives the FMICS 2022 Best Paper Award from Marieke Huisman (picture by Paula Herber).

FMICS 2023 will take place in Antwerp, Belgium, again under the umbrella of CONFEST 2023.

FMICS 2022 conference website:


[1] J.F. Groote and M. Huisman (eds.). Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS'22). Springer LNCS, vol. 13487, 2022.

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Maurice ter Beek
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