Fourteen leading European organisations join forces to provide a framework for green and privacy-preserving data operations in an edge-to-cloud architecture.

Existing network architectures offer a variety of options for storage and analysis of data. Currently, however, network architecture follows a cloud-based logic thereby hampering the exploitation of distributed architectures’ potential. Therefore, organisations that operate on an edge-to-cloud architecture have to deal with suboptimal results with regards to energy efficiency, computation and resources allocation for data storage and management performance. This problem is most relevant in large organisations with many distributed entities, such as public administrations, or organisations that make an intensive use of sensors, such as the ones operating in Industry 4.0.

By contrast, edge applications are most suited to the increasing volume and heterogeneity of users, data, and devices. In that regard, 14 leading organisations join the Horizon Europe project GLACIATION (Green responsibLe privACy preservIng dAta operaTIONs) to develop a digital solution that harnesses the potential of the edge and combines it with the cloud. The project, coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Economics and Finance, kicked off its activities in October 2022, with an energising online meeting, where all partners took the floor to present their ambitious plans to make the project a great success. The GLACIATION consortium partners bring to the project expertise in several fields (universities and research centres, businesses, technology leaders, public organisations) and are among the leaders in the development of both cloud and edge solutions.

GLACIATION aims to improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of trustworthy digital technologies in addressing the requirements of citizens, companies and public organisations concerning privacy and commercial and administrative confidentiality, as well as regarding responsible, fair and environmentally friendly (e.g. in terms of energy/carbon/material footprint) data operations in data spaces, across the data life cycle.

Specifically, GLACIATION will develop a data management and analytic framework that prioritises energy-efficiency and privacy along an edge-core-cloud architecture, thereby advancing the state of the art in the fields of AI-based technologies applied to dynamic and predictive placement of data, as well as to dynamic merging and movement of distributed knowledge graphs. The project will demonstrate its solution in three real-life scenarios including a National government-wide platform, an Industry 4.0 setting, and a cross-company optimisation of processes. In this way, the project will contribute to the “European Green Deal” and to a Europe fit for the digital age” by developing a digital solution to improve the energy efficiency of the European data spaces.

ERCIM/W3C mainly contributes to the development of a metadata model for data centric architectures and leads the standardisation activities of the project.

Please contact:
Rigo Wenning, ERCIM/W3C
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