by Harry Rudin

IFIP Networking 2017 took place in Stockholm at KTH, the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, from 12-17 June. The conference’s aim was “The future of networking: Defined by software, driven by data and designed for all” and consisted of workshops, regular lectures and poster sessions. As is our aim in the IFIP Technical Committee 6 (Communication Systems), the papers are published in our open Digital Library, There is no printed version of the conference papers; the Digital Library serves as the conference record and papers were made available several days before the conference opening. Access is free to everyone.

The best paper award was made for a paper on achieving low latency and high throughput for networks using a modified Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) scheme through the use of active queue management (AQM). The title of the paper is “Alternative Backoff: Achieving Low Latency and High Throughput with ECN and AQM” and is written by Naeem Khademi, Grenville Armitage, Michael Welzl,  Sebastian Zander, Gorry Fairhurst and David Ros.

Nearly all of IFIP TC6’s conferences are published in the Digital Library; there are nine of these at the moment. Other IFIP conferences are also available via the Digital Library; there are over 150 of these. Do have a look!

IFIP TC6’s Committee had their meeting alongside the conference. A change in the chairmanship took place: Aiko Pras from the University of Twente, in The Netherlands is followed by Burkhard Stiller from the University of Zurich in Switzerland.

Please contact:
Harry Rudin
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