The "FORSEE - Regional ICT Foresight exercise for Southeast European countries" project targets ICT RTD policy reform in the South-eastern Europe (SEE) region, proposing a focused effort on introducing a foresight culture in the region, which is necessary in order to accelerate socio-economic growth in participating countries, striving to meet the challenges of the global networked economy and to participate on equal footing in the European Research Area.

The FORSEE initiative aims to introduce a sustainable mechanism for ICT Foresight in the region, attempting to tackle the absence of a regular process applied for technological future orientation and research policy review.

The project lasts until end of 2013 and is funded by the South East Europe Transational Cooperation Programme. The Industrial Systems Institute of RC Athena joined the project in early 2012. Currently, the consortium is in the phase of identifying the ICT themes and topics of interest for a pilot regional foresight exercise.

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