OCGFourteen years ago, on August 13, 1969 the Austrian Parliament passed a new law on university studies which for the first time included Informatics curricula. A Festschrift (in German) has now been published which not only summarizes the celebration at the University Linz in April 2009, but additionally includes 30 contribution written by eminent contemporary witnesses, and pioneers together with interviews with several key persons from academia and industry. It also provides a survey of the current status of informatics curricula in Austria.

Order information:
Gerhard Chroust, Hans-Peter Mössenböck (Hrsg.): „Informatik macht Zukunft – Zukunft macht Informatik - 40 Jahre Informatik-Studium in Österreich – Festschrift“ (in German). Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft, books@ocg, Band 258, November 2009 ISBN 978-3-85403-258-8, price € 25.- from:
Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft
Wollzeile 3-5, 1010 Wien
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