The Workshop on Mobile Ajax, co-sponsored by the W3C and OpenAjax Alliance, was held on 28 September 2007 in Mountain View, California. The chairs were Daniel Appelquist of Vodafone, co-chair of the W3C Mobile Web Initiative (MWI) Best Practices Working Group, and Jon Ferraiolo of IBM, representing OpenAjax Alliance.

The workshop was designed to provide a forum for participants to exchange information about the present state of Mobile Ajax, share visions for its possible future, and identify opportunities for industry collaboration in order to promote end-user and industry success with Mobile Ajax. Representatives from thirty-six separate organizations attended the workshop.

A summary of the discussions and next steps for work are available in the workshop report. Among areas the Workshop identified as needing attention are JavaScript access to device APIs, offline/disconnected operation, widgets, mashups, and security.


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