by Thomas Lux

The 14th workshop of the ERCIM Working Group Environmental Modelling was held on 3-4 September 2007 at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Members of the Working Group (WG) participated along with researchers from the Informatics Application and System Group and of other departments of the Thessaloniki University in order to present their recent research work and to discuss the current trends and developments in the field of environmental modelling.

Research issues that have been addressed in the workshop presentations included:

  • modern methods of knowledge extraction from huge environmental data sets (computational intelligence, data fusion)
  • modeling and simulation tools as well as communication and presentation means for the citizen for operational air quality forecast on all the scales from European to street canyon level
  • simulation and modelling, in particular using interactive Grid technology, in coastal and river research (Tsunami, floods) and other life science domains.

The group discussed plans for further topics and ways of collaboration, including the exploration of bilateral funding sources as well as the perspectives of joint European proposals.

The group decided to support the organisation of a session at the next International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSS2008 iemss2008/) in Barcelona, Spain, with the topic 'Environmental modelling applications towards quality of life information services'.

The meeting was organized by the new member of the working group - Professor Kostas Karatzas and his group from the Aristotle University Thessaloniki.

During the workshop Professor Achim Sydow announced his retirement from the chaiman position of the ERCIM WG Environmental Modelling as which he acted since the foundation of the group in October 1996. He proposed his colleague Dr. Steffen Unger from Fraunhofer FIRST as new chairman. The proposal was confirmed by the WG members.


Please contact:
Steffen Unger, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
ERCIM Environmental Modelling WG coordinator

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