by John Krogstie

CAiSE'2007 was the 19th in the series of International Conferences on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. This year's conference was located in Trondheim and hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The conference thereby returned to the city where the third CAiSE conference was held, in 1991. The conference and accompanying workshops took place 11-15 June 2007, and gathered more than 300 participants from 29 countries.

Since the first CAiSE was organised in Stockholm in 1989, the conference has grown to become one of the most prestigious international conferences in the intersection between information systems, software engineering, database technology and several related fields. The proceedings of CAiSE 2007 have been published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series as volume 4495.

The special theme of CAiSE'07 was 'Ubiquitous Information Systems Engineering', reflecting that modern information systems often span activities performed in several organisations and at different geographical locations. They often support the untethered mobility of their users. The systems have already today a large impact on every day life in the organisations and on the individuals. As we move towards ambient, pervasive and ubiquitous computing this impact will increase significantly.

The response to the call for papers was overwhelming. 301 papers were submitted, which is a new record for CAiSE. The program committee selected 40 top-quality papers, the acceptance rate for CAiSE'07 was thus of around 13%. Several other high quality papers were selected for the CAiSE Forum, initiated at CAiSE'2003 in Velden in order to stimulate open discussions of high-quality on-going research.

Arne Sølvberg in the panel session
Arne Sølvberg in the panel session

The success of CAiSE'07 is also evident by the many top-quality workshops that were arranged as CAiSE pre-conference events. The longest running, the REFSQ series on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality was organised for the 13th time in Trondheim. Over the years it has evolved into a working conference, this year with its own LNCS proceedings published by Springer. The 'EMMSAD'07 Workshop on Exploring Modelling Methods for Information Systems Analysis and Design' was organised for the 12th time. The 'AOIS-2007 Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems was organised for the 17th time, and with CAiSE for the 8th time. Other high quality international workshops this year were BPMDS'07 on Business Process Modelling, Development, and Support, BUSITAL'07 on Business IT alignment and WISM'07 on Web information systems modelling.

The special theme of CAiSE'07 was high-lighted by an additional workshop on 'Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, UMICS'07', and by three industrial keynote presentations: Ora Lassila of Nokia, USA on "Setting Your Data Free: Thoughts on Information Interoperability", Pekka Abrahamsson of VTT, Finland, on "Agile Software Development of Mobile Information Systems", and Christen Krogh of Opera Software, Norway with a talk entitled "40 million users, 300 engineers, 40 enterprise customers, 7 development locations, and 1 cvs - lessons learned through design, development and deployment of the Opera browser".

Contact with industry was emphasised through a one-day industrial seminar on Agile Methods in Practice, organised by Torgeir Dingsøyr. As usual, a doctoral consortium was also organised in conjunction with CAiSE, giving research students an opportunity to present and discuss their Ph.D. topics and plans face to face with internationally leading researchers in their fields.

CAiSE'07 was also an occasion to honour one of the founding fathers of the CAiSE series and organizing chair of the 1991 conference, Professor Arne Sølvberg, vice-president of ERCIM, who celebrated his 67th birthday in 2007. 67 is the usual retirement age in Norway, although Arne has promised to be working until 70 (at least!). A symposium to Professor Sølvberg's honour was arranged before CAiSE'07 as an additional pre-conference event, were the chapters of a book published on Springer put together in secret to his honour, Conceptual Modelling in Information Systems Engineering, was presented.

CAiSE’2007 was sponsored by ERCIM.


Please contact:
John Krogstie
IDI, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

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