The “SoBigData” Lab is a recently created research initiative in Pisa, Italy, with the mission to perform advanced research and analyses on the emerging challenges posed by big data, namely the digital breadcrumbs of human activities continually sensed by the ICT systems that people use. This is a joint initiative among different Italian institutions with the aim to aggregate multi-disciplinary competencies for addressing together the scientific challenges needed to set the ground for social mining science and technology. Fields of research include “mobility data mining”, “social network analysis”, and “privacy, security and trust”. The Lab is currently supported by Institute of Information Science and Technologies of CNR, Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Region of Directorate General Presidency EU Liaison Office, CNR Department for Engineering, ICT, Energy and Transportation. The initiative will be launched by a bootstrap workshop held in Pisa on 18 July 2013.

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