by Torsten Braun

The 4th ERCIM Workshop on eMobility was held at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden on 31 May 2010, the day prior to the Wired/Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC) 2010 conference. The twenty six participants engaged in very intense discussions, making the workshop a lively event.

As in previous years, the program included both invited presentations and presentations of papers that had been selected after a thorough review process. The focus of the invited presentations was on current EU FP7 projects, in which ERCIM EMobility members are actively involved.

e-mobility workshope-mobility workshop
Workshop participants.

Marc Brogle (SAP Zürich) opened the workshop with a presentation of the ELVIRE (ELectric Vehicle communication to Infrastructure, Road services and Electricity supply) project, which aims to utilize ICT to allow smooth introduction of electric vehicles. Drivers will be supported in mobility planning and during travelling with an electric car. While ELVIRE started recently, the EU-Mesh project (Enhanced, Ubiquitous, and Dependable Broadband Access using MESH Networks), presented by Vasilios Siris (FORTH), will finish soon. Its goal is to develop, evaluate, and trial software modules for building dependable multi-radio multi-channel mesh networks that provide ubiquitous and high speed broadband access. Another project in the area of wireless networks has been SOCRATES (Self-Optimisation and self-ConfiguRATion in wirelEss networkS, presented by Hans van den Berg, TNO). This project aims to use self-optimisation, self-configuration and self-healing to decrease operational expenditure by reducing human involvement in network operation tasks, while optimising network efficiency and service quality. Two of the presented projects focussed on wireless sensor networks. The first, called GINSENG and presented by Marilia Curado (U Coimbra), investigates technological challenges of wireless sensor networks in industrial environments such as oil refineries. The second, called WISEBED (Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds) and presented by Torsten Braun (U Bern), developed a pan-European wireless sensor network, currently consisting of several hundred sensor nodes, which can be accessed by sensor network researchers via the Internet. Finally, Yevgeni Koucheryavy (Tampere UT) gave a talk on the recently established COST Action IC 0906 on “Wireless Networking for Moving Objects”, an initiative launched by ERCIM eMobility members.

In addition to the invited talks three technical sessions were held in the afternoon. Twelve out of 16 submitted long, short, and abstract papers were selected. The first session on “Mobile Networks” looked into various aspects of vehicle-to-vehicle/business communication and scheduling on LTE uplinks. Another talk presented a testbed to evaluate IMS (IP Multimedia Subsytem) implementations, whilst a separate session was devoted to IMS. One presentation investigated issues of the integration of IMS and digital IP-TV services, whilst another focussed on the integration of IMS with Web 2.0 technologies in order to support communications between family members. The final session focused on “Wireless Networks and Geocasting”. Topics included: routing and reliability in mobile ad-hoc networks, geocasting for vehicular ad-hoc networks, deployment support for wireless mesh networks, realistic traffic models for WiMAX or cellular networks as well as resource discovery in cognitive wireless networks.

A nice social event attended by nearly all participants under the bright evening sun in North Sweden concluded the event, which was perfectly organized by the local hosts under the guidance of Evgeny Osipov. Again, printed workshop proceedings could be handed out to all participants.


Please contact:
Torsten Braun
ERCIM e-Mobility Working Group coordinator
Bern University / SARIT, Switzerland
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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