VISITO Tuscany was presented by ISTI-CNR at a press conference in the historical centre of Pisa. VISITO provides an interactive guide for tourists visiting cities of art via a smart phone application. To receive detailed information on a monument, the user simply takes a photo of it. The system will support tourists in all phases of their trip, from the initial planning to post-visit archiving and sharing over social networks. Leveraging on techniques of image analysis, content recognition and 3D scanning and browsing, on returning home the tourist can relive the highlights of the trip via virtual visits to the monuments photographed. The project, coordinated by Giuseppe Amato, ISTI-CNR, is supported by the Tuscan Region and by the European Regional Development Fund. Project members include IIT-CNR and three private companies: Alinari24Ore, Hyperborea, and 3Logic MK.

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