Roberto Scopigno, leader of the Visual Computing Lab of ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy, has been elected Chair of the Eurographics Association for the period 2009-2010. Roberto is a member of the Executive Committee of Eurographics since 2001 and has served as Vice-Chair for the last four years.

Eurographics (European Association for Computer Graphics) is an international organization dedicated to the needs of professionals, scholars and students in computer graphics and related visual disciplines. Roberto will follow the path traced by the previous Chair, David Duce, Oxford Brookes Univ., aimed at raising the international profile and strengthening the association. In fact, Eurographics has played an increasingly important role in the scientific scenario in recent years, mainly through the organization of a stream of well-attended annual events, and the Eurographics publications are now considered landmarks by our computer graphics community. The aim of the new Chair will be to contribute to the further improvement of the scientific value of the associations initiatives and to ensure that Eurographics remains well tuned to the members needs and expectations.