by Nicolas Guelfi, Henry Muccini, Patrizio Pelliccione and Alexander Romanovsky

The first workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE) was held in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, on 17-19 November 2008.

The SERENE series of workshops, organized by the ERCIM working group SERENE, is an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in advances in Software Engineering for Resilient Systems. SERENE 2008 was held in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT, the International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, and was attended by 42 participants. The technical programme contained two invited talks, three sessions of technical papers, two PhD forum sessions, a project session and an experience/industry session. The workshop organisers received 23 submissions (thirteen technical, three industry, five PhD and two projects), 17 of which were accepted for presentation (seven technical, three industry, five PhD and two projects). All papers have been peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.

The first invited talk, entitled 'System Complexity, Dependability and Failures', was given by Brian Randell from Newcastle University, UK. Ralf Reussner of Universität Karlsruhe, Germany, delivered the second, on "Challenges and Results in Component Quality Certification".

Organization of such a workshop represents a big challenge. We would like to acknowledge the help of the programme committee members, the additional referees, the organization committee members, and the support of the scientific, technical and administrative staff of Newcastle University, UK.

The workshop proceedings, ISBN 978-1-60558-275-7, are included in the ACM Digital Library.

SERENE 2008 was supported by ERCIM, FNR (Luxembourg National Research Fund), the ICT FP7 DEPLOY IP (on Industrial Deployment of System Engineering Methods Providing High Dependability and Productivity), LASSY (Laboratory for Advanced Software Systems, University of Luxembourg), School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, and the ICT FP6 ReSIST (Resilience for Survivability in IST) Network of Excellence.


Please contact:
Nicolas Guelfi
ERCIM SERENE WG coordinator
Luxembourg University

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