ERCIM, together with INRIA Transfert, a subsidiary of INRIA to create and develop IT companies, had a private meeting in Sophia Antipolis with Günter Verheugen, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, during the conference 'Towards World Class Clusters' organised by the French Presidency of the European Union on 13 November. Commissioner Verheugen was very interested in ERCIM's positioning as a 'European network of research' becoming also a 'European network of innovation'. He invited ERCIM to participate in a working session on innovation to be organised by his Directorate General in Brussels for a small number of invited participants.

From left: Keith Jeffery (ERCIM President), Laurent Kott (INRIA Transfert), Günter Verheugen and Jérôme Chailloux (ERCIM Manager).