SOFSEM (originally SOFtware SEMinar) is an annual international conference devoted to the theory and practice of Computer Science. The 34th conference SOFSEM 2008 was organised by

  • P.J. Safárik University, Faculty of Science, Kosice, Slovakia
  • Slovak Society of Computer Science
  • Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics.

It was held in High Tatras, one of the most beautiful regions of Slovakia.

The conference was financially supported by two principal sponsors: ERCIM and IBM Slovakia, as well as six IT companies Asseco Slovakia, DITEC, Hewlett-Packard Slovakia, Ness KDC, Siemens Slovakia and SOFTEC.

SOFSEM is usually organized in parallel tracks giving a unique opportunity to obtain quickly a representative overview of the areas that are selected as the topics of the year. These year tracks were:

  • Foundations of Computer Science
  • Computing by Nature
  • Networks, Security and Cryptography
  • Web Technologies
  • Student Research Forum.

The programme consisted of ten of invited talks, given by prominent researchers, 57 contributed talks selected by the program committee from submitted papers, Working Sessions discussing work-in-progress, and the posters presented within Student Research Forum.

SOFSEM is especially suited for young computer scientists. Thanks to the help of the sponsors, including ERCIM, the organising committee was able to support especially students and young researchers participating at the conference.

The first volume of the conference proceedings was published by Springer- Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series: LNCS 4910. It comprises 10 invited talks and 57 contributed talks that were selected from 162 submissions. The second volume contains twelve papers selected for the presentation in student research forum.

SOFSEM 2008 attracted about 140 participants from 22 countries. Besides the scientific programme they had an opportunity to take a part in a few social events, conference trip and sponsors' presentation evenings.

We are very glad that, according to the opinion of the most participants, SOFSEM 2008 continued a tradition of successful and faithful conferences that started in 1974.

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