
DANAIM (Danish Research Association for Informatics and Mathematics), a research consortium established by seven major Danish universities and university collaborations, has become a member of ERCIM. Denmark is the nineteenth country to join ERCIM.


The aim of ERCIM is to foster collaborative work within the European research community in information and communication technology (ICT) and applied mathematics, and to increase cooperation with European industry. With the DANAIM membership, ERCIM continues to expand its geographical reach and increase its impact.

DANAIM Represents almost all Danish Universities
DAIAIM is a consortium of seven universities: University of Southern Denmark, University of Aarhus, Roskilde University, Technical University of Denmark, IT Vest - networking Universities, University of Copenhagen and Aalborg University. We hope that the remaining two Danish universities become members in a few years. In Denmark there is a long tradition of international collaboration with other universities and collaboration with industry. DANAIM will strengthen the cooperation between Danish and other European researchers and industry.

DANAIM represents 440 researchers within the field of computer science and related fields and an annual turnover of more than €30 million. More than 75% of the students enrolled for computer science or related areas are enrolled at the institutions represented by DANAIM.

Reasons for Joining ERCIM
DANAIM chair Chrstian S. Jensen finds many good reasons for joining ERCIM: "Research is fundamentally international. Membership in ERCIM represents an opportunity for the partners to strengthen their international ties with research organisations across Europe. The DANAIM partners view ERCIM's many working groups as attractive fora for scientific exchange and networking. Collaborative research projects often grow out of networks. By joining ERCIM, the partners hope to expand and invigorate their European networks, thereby increasing their participation in European projects."

On the more specific level, one of the major reasons for joining ERCIM was the fellowship program. As Christian S. Jensen notes, "The partners are particularly excited about the prospects for becoming part of ERCIM's fellowship program, as this highly successful program attracts very large numbers of applicants on an annual basis."

The research spirit in Denmark is collaborative. Consequently, it is in the interest of DANAIM to influence the strategic directions for ICT research at a European scale - an objective the DANAIM consortium hopes to be able to contribute to via ERCIM by supporting ERCIM's objective of influencing the research directions.

The board of directors for DANAIM consists of Kim Skak Larsen, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark; Kurt Jensen, Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus; Hans Vestman Jensen, Institute of Information and Media Studies, University of Aarhus; Henning Christiansen, Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies, Roskilde University; Flemming Nielson, Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark; Jens Bennedsen, it-vest - Networking Universities; Jørgen P. Bansler, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen; and Christian S. Jensen (chair), Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University.


Please contact:
Att: Henriette Frahm
c/o Aalborg Universitet, Institut for Datalogi
Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300
9220 Aalborg Ø
E-mail: frahm@cs.aau.dk

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