by Christel Baier and Holger Hermanns

The 17th International Conference on Concurrency Theory was hosted by the University of Bonn, Germany, from 27-30 August 2006. There were 267 registered participants to CONCUR 2006 and its satellite events from nineteen countries around the world.

The purpose of the CONCUR conferences is to bring together researchers, developers and students in order to advance the theory of concurrency and promote its applications. Interest in this topic is growing continuously as a consequence of the importance and ubiquity of concurrent systems and their applications, and of the scientific relevance of their foundations. The scope covers all areas of semantics, logic and verification techniques for concurrent systems. Topics include concurrency-related aspects of models of computation and semantic domains, process algebras, Petri nets, event structures, real-time systems, hybrid systems, probabilistic systems, model checking, verification techniques, refinement techniques, term and graph rewriting, distributed programming, logic constraint programming, object-oriented programming, typing systems and algorithms, security, case studies, tools and environments for programming and verification.

The first two CONCUR conferences were held in Amsterdam (NL) in 1990 and 1991, with the locations in following years being Stony Brook (US), Hildesheim (DE), Uppsala (SE), Philadelphia (US), Pisa (IT), Warsaw (PL), Nice (FR), Eindhoven (NL), University Park (Pennsylvania, US), Aalborg (DK), Brno (CZ), Marseille (FR), London (UK) and San Francisco (US). The proceedings of CONCUR 2006 have appeared in Springer LNCS as volume 4137.

The technical programme of the conference and its satellite events delivered 122 presentations in total, from which fifteen were invited talks or invited tutorials. Out of 101 regular papers submitted to CONCUR 2006, 29 were accepted for presentation at the conference. The conference also included three talks by excellent invited speakers: Edward Lee (University of California at Berkeley, US), Orna Kupferman (Hebrew University, IL) and Jan-Willem Klop (Free University of Amsterdam, NL). Further, the programme included two plenary invited tutorials, delivered by Roberto Segala (University of Verona, IT) and Uwe Nestmann (Technical University of Berlin, DE).

The talk by Edward A. Lee on 'Making Concurrency', which was jointly invited by CONCUR and its satellite workshop 'Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems' (FMICS), was a particular highlight. FMICS is also the annual meeting of the ERCIM Working Group with the same title and was organised by Martin Leucker (TU Munich, DE) and Lubos Brim (Masaryk University, CZ). See ERCIM News 67 ( for a report on FMICS 2006.

Apart from FMICS, CONCUR 2006 was accompanied by the following spectrum of satellite workshops:

  • Verification of Infinite-State Systems (INFINITY), organised by Ahmed Bouajjani (University of Paris 7, FR)
  • Expressiveness in Concurrency (EXPRESS), organised by Iain Phillips (Imperial College, UK) and Roberto Amadio (University of Paris 7, FR)
  • Structural Operational Semantics (SOS), organised by Rob van Glabbeek (National ICT Australia, AU) and Peter Mosses (Swansea University, UK)
  • Geometric and Topological Methods in Concurrency (GETCO), organised by Eric Goubault (CEA, FR)
  • German Verification Day (GVD), organised by Juergen Niehaus (University of Oldenburg, DE)
  • Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA), organised by Carlos Canal (University of Malaga, ES) and Mirko Viroli (University of Bologna, IT)
  • Parallel and Distributed Model Checking (PDMC), organised by Boudewijn Haverkort (University of Twente, NL) and Jaco van de Pol (CWI, NL)
  • Control and Observation of Real-Time Open Systems (CORTOS), organised by Franck Cassez (CNRS, FR)
  • Graph Transformation for Verification and Concurrency (GT-VC), organised by Arend Rensink (University of Twente, NL), Reiko Heckel (University of Leicester, UK) and Barbara Koenig (University of Stuttgart, DE).

The conference took place in Germany for the second time after 1993. The organisers attempted to give the conference additional stimuli through moderate conference fees, making it attractive to participants from Central and Eastern Europe and to young researchers all over the world.

CONCUR 2006 was sponsored by ERCIM.


Please contact:
Holger Hermanns
Saarland University, Germany

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