by Harry Rudin

The International Federation for Information Processing’s (IFIP’s) Technical Committee 6 (TC6) held its biannual meeting at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, on 2- 14 November 2014.

TC6 concerns itself with Communications Systems. The objective was to start designing a strategic plan for TC6’s future activities. To this end several talks were given of general interest, many dealing with communication networking, both in the measurement and international cooperation sense. Much of this information is of wide interest and publicly accessible. This broad interest is the reason for this report. The overall Dagstuhl program is available at

Vassilis Kostakos from the University of Oulu, Finland presented his panOULU system which uses wireless mobility traces for mobility analysis and traffic planning in Oulu. At one can few current hotspots of activity in Oulu.

Alessandro D’Alconzo from the Telecommunication Research Center in Vienna talked about his mPlane system, a distributed measurement infrastructure to perform active, passive and hybrid measurements of the dynamics of the Internet (

Panayotis Antoniadis form the ETH in Zurich discussed his NetHood Initiative. The project has, among other work, produced a small, inexpensive transceiver for establishing an adhoc network in a small community. The group is looking for suggestions for additional applications of these devices. See

Fabio Ricciato from the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna described the TMA (Traffic Monitoring and Analysis) portal. TMA was originally supported by COST11 but now has a life of its own for coordinating network measurements (

Georg Carle from the Technical University in Munich described the Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS). EINS facilitates cooperation among researchers on an international basis (

Filip De Turck, University of Ghent, described the clustering effort in Europe to coordinate ongoing European research on the Internet of Things ( fp7/ict/enet/rfid-iot_en.html).

IFIP digital libraries were also discussed. TC6 now has its own Web site up and working ( One possible addition discussed was a TC6 networking journal, published only online and relatively rarely with the feature of extraordinarily strong articles. One thought discussed was reimbursing reviewers so as to obtain equally strong and constructive reviews. Clearly the journal would be open access.

Another discussion was on the quality and ranking of communication conferences. Obviously this is an important issue inside and outside the IFIP community, given today’s demand for research publication to strengthen the resume.
The purpose of these discussions was to consider various possibilities for IFIP’s TC6 to be of greater service to the networking community. Extending our digital library, supporting COST or Network of Excellence projects under an IFIP umbrella, providing conference ranking, and extending our educational reach are all under consideration.


Please contact:
Harry Rudin, Swiss Representative to IFIP TC6
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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