BTF_booklAccurate Material Appearance Measurement, Representation and Modeling
Michal Haindl, Jiří Filip

This comprehensive text/reference presents a survey of the state of the art in multidimensional, physically-correct visual texture modeling. It is the first book to provide a detailed treatment of texture synthesis as well as the only book covering all known aspects of the most advanced visual surface representation – the Bidirectional Texture Function.

Starting from basic principles and building upon the fundamentals to the latest advanced methods, the book brings together research from computer vision, pattern recognition, computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality. The text assumes a graduate-level understanding of statistics and probability theory, and a knowledge of basic computer graphics principles, but is accessible to newcomers to the field. Topics and features: Reviews the entire process of texture synthesis, including material appearance representation, measurement, analysis, compression, modeling, editing, visualization, and perceptual evaluation. Explains the derivation of the most common representations of visual texture, discussing their properties, advantages, and limitations. Describes a range of techniques for the measurement of visual texture, including BRDF, SVBRDF, BTF and BSSRDF. Investigates the visualization of textural information, from texture mapping and mip-mapping to illumination- and view- dependent data interpolation. Examines techniques for perceptual validation and analysis, covering both standard pixel-wise similarity measures and also methods of visual psychophysics. Reviews the applications of visual textures, from visual scene analysis in image processing and medical applications, to high-quality visualizations for cultural heritage and the automotive industry

This book is intended for researchers, lecturers, students and practitioners, they will all find this book an invaluable reference on the rapidly developing new field of texture modeling.

Springer, Series: Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Hardcover 300 pages, ISBN 978-1-4471-4901-9

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