The ERCIM Working Group on Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning (Muscle) is involved in the scientific support and organization of the World Congress “The frontiers in intelligent data and signal analysis”, DSA. The congress features three international conferences plus a number of tutorials, workshops and an industrial exhibition.

The congress combines three international conferences:

International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, MLDM,

  • Industrial Conference on Data Mining, ICDM, and
  • International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Food Industry, MDA.

A broad range of applications are presented at this congress, including marketing, medical and life-sciences, industry, and agriculture. The World Congress thus responds to all novel aspects of data analysis. Leading scientists from research and industry will be presenting their work and discuss novel ideas. The World Congress is also a platform for companies, decision makers from industry and market, and for networking. Next to the scientific program, interested companies and representatives from industry have the possibility to present their projects on intelligent data and signal analysis.

The main sponsor and organizer of DSA 2011 is Ibai, the Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, based in Leipzig, Germany and New York City, USA, and member of the ERCIM MUSCLE Working Group. Several MUSCLE members have been collaborating in the congress organization, in the framework of MUSCLE’s training and scientific dissemination initiatives.

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