by Erwin Schoitsch

ERCIM sponsored the 29th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, SAFECOMP, which took place from 14-17 September 2010 at the Schönbrunn Palace Conference Center in Vienna, Austria. More than 100 experts from 17 countries, including US, Korea, Japan and Brazil, attended and contributed to the conference, workshops and exhibition. The conference was organized by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and EWICS TC7 (European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems, TC7, Reliability, Safety and Security). The conference and programme chair was Erwin Schoitsch from AARIT/AIT.

SAFECOMP is a specialized and leading international conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, established 1979 by EWICS TC7 (Purdue Europe). The 29th Conference had an attractive programme dealing with various aspects of critical embedded systems engineering, system analysis, testing, system modelling, design, development, verification and validation, standards, safety cases and certification, and application related aspects of safety, reliability and security in automotive, aerospace, railways, critical infrastructures (smart grids).

The first day was dedicated to workshops where the ERCIM Working Group on Dependable Embedded Systems co-organized the ERCIM/ DECOS/MOGENTES Workshop on Dependable Embedded Systems, chaired by Amund Skavhaug and Erwin Schoitsch. The papers and presentations will be published by ERCIM. ERCIM was presented in the workshop by Erwin Schoitsch and with booth in the conference exhibition.

Joint ERCIM-OCG booth at SAFECOMP (left) and the conference venue Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.
Joint ERCIM-OCG booth at SAFECOMP (left) and the conference venue Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.

Three invited keynotes, one at each day, were the highlights of the conference:

  • "System of Systems Challenges" by Hermann Kopetz - Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  • "Murphy Was An Optimist", by Kevin Driscoll - Honeywell Laboratories, USA
  • "Process Control Security: go Dutch! (united, shared, lean and mean)", by Eric Luiijf - TNO, The Hague, The Netherlands.

The proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series 6351.

A "best paper award" was granted to Bernd Fischer, and his co-authors Nurlida Basir (both University of Southampton, UK) and Ewen Denney, NASA Ames Research Center, USA for their paper "Deriving Safety Cases for Hierarchical Structure in Model-Based Development".

The next conference - SAFECOMP 2011 - will be held in Naples, Italy from 19-21 September 2011.


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