by Erwin Schoitsch

The ERCIM Working Groups Dependable Embedded Systems (DES) and Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS) seized the opportunity at the 20th anniversary event of ERCIM to have a joint technical meeting. Experiences were exchanged, projects and scientific work were presented, and further cooperation was discussed, especially in light of the successful jointly edited special theme 'Safety-Critical Software' in ERCIM News 75. The meeting took place on 27 May 2009 in Paris.

The agenda covered the following issues:

  • Radu Mateescu (INRIA): 'Specification and Analysis of Safety-Critical and Biological Systems'
  • Jaco van de Pol (UTwente): 'High-Performance Model Checking for Embedded Systems'
  • Wolfgang Herzner (ARC): 'Dependable Networked Embedded Systems Research at ARC: Overview on European Research Projects which are related to ERCIM DES WG Topics'
  • Amund Skavhaug (NTNU): 'The Creation of a Special Interest Group for Embedded Systems at NTNU'
  • Pedro Merino Gómez (UMA): 'Software Model Checking'
  • Alessandro Fantechi (ISTI): 'Modelling Guidelines for Code Generation in Safety-Critical Systems'
  • Erwin Schoitsch (ARC): 'ProSE - or How to Get Research Involved in Standardization'.

Possible cooperation in the editing of a book on safety-critical software was also discussed. The request for such a book came from Cambridge University Press following the above-mentioned special theme of ERCIM News 75.

The next workshops planned for the ERCIM DES Working Group are:

'Special Session: Dependable Embedded Systems' at Euromicro-SEAA, 27-29 August 2009, Patras, Greece. , see

Session on 'Safety and security as a systemic challenge' at IDIMT 2009 (Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks), Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic, 9-11 September 2009

'ERCIM/EWICS/DECOS Dependable Embedded Systems Workshop', SAFECOMP 2009 (15-18 September 2009, Hamburg), see

The next FMICS Working Group workshop will be held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, on 2-3 November 2009.

All members of ERCIM or ERCIM Working Groups are invited to participate.


Please contact:
Erwin Schoitsch
ERCIM DES Working Group coordinator

Alessandro Fantechi
ERCIM FMICS Working Group coordinator
University of Florence and ISTI-CNR, Italy

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