In April 2009, the Danish Ministry of Science gave the official approval of the elite master education in embedded software at Aalborg University. In total only 20 educations were approved in Denmark, and at Aalborg University in addition to embedded systems three other educations were approved, including wireless communication, biotechnology, and tourism. The elite education in embedded software aims at recruiting top bachelor candidates with the ambition of carrying out their master education in close collaboration with the research at CISS, Center for Embedded Software Systems. The educational program in embedded software includes also the aspects of hardware architecture and control theory. With the approval of the the education comes a grant to cover the extra curriculum activities, including participation in PhD schools, conferences and workshops as well as investment in special purpose equipment and software. The intension is to recruit approximately ten qualified Danish and international students.

Graduated Elite students of 2008.
Graduated Elite students of 2008.

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