Serge Abiteboul was awarded for the WebDam (Foundations of Web Data Management) project. The project aims to develop a formal and universal framework for describing Web applications that involve complex and flexible interactions. This framework should also serve as a basis for future Web developments, especially data management software.

The ADDECCO (Adaptive Schemes for Deterministic and Stochastic Flow Problems) project of Rémi Abgrall, a specialist in scientific computation, deals with new, increasingly less costly mathematical methods for building numerical models of fluid dynamics that are increasingly more reliable. Rémi Abgrall is a professor at the University of Bordeaux I, seconded to the Bordeaux - Sud Ouest INRIA research center.

The NERVI project of Olivier Faugeras, world-renowned specialist in computer assisted vision, consists of developing a formal framework for describing and understanding complex visual information handling processes in man or machines. Olivier Faugeras is a research director at the Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée INRIA research center.

Each ERC grant constitutes a subsidy over a maximum period of five years that may amount to more than € 2 million to carry out a large-scale project. This amount allows the researcher receiving the grant to enjoy stable financial and intellectual conditions to bring such a project to fruition.

The ERC announced the first successful candidates in the Advanced Grants competition in the domain Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE) in August. The first call for Advanced Grant proposals was announced at the end of last year with deadlines throughout the first half of 2008. The 28 February deadline for the PE domain generated 997 applications. The peer review process in this domain ran from March to June and involved ten evaluation panels, which have selected 105 Advanced Grants candidates.

Scientists from ERCIM member institutes in Austria (Vienna University of Technology, University of Vienna), Belgium (Université catholique de Louvain), Denmark (Aarhus University), Switzerland (ETHZ, EPFL, Université de Genève) have also been awarded.

More information:
A list of the first 105 winners in the PE domain:

Statistics on all proposals submitted to the first ERC Advanced Grant competition:

Next issue: January 2025
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Large-Scale Data Analytics
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