The third ARTEMIS annual conference took place in Graz, Austria on 22-24 May. The event was attended by nearly 250 delegates from European companies, representatives of SMEs, governments, academia and research Institutes.
ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and Technology for EMbedded Intelligence and Systems) is a strong, industry-driven European Technology Platform (ETP) whose goal is to establish a coherent, integrated European Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) to maintain the European lead in the field of embedded systems. From the scientific-technical point of view, ARTEMIS tries to establish a common approach and common technology across application domains. It does this by creating a public-private partnership bringing together people from industry, small and medium-sized businesses, universities, research centres and European public authorities, in the field of Embedded Systems. Common technology is defined by three working groups:
- Reference Designs and Architectures: to offer standard architectural approaches for major application contexts and to address complexity challenges, dependability issues and build synergies between application sectors (eg aeroplane safety at automotive costs).
- Seamless Connectivity and Middleware: to offer wide-scale interoperability and connectivity, to provide new services, functionality and to build the ambient intelligent (smart) environment
- System Design Methods and Tools: to enable dependable, rapid design and development.
Additionally, a strategic group works on generic enabling technologies based on foundational sciences’ results.
Application contexts are wide-spread, according to the principle that Embedded Systems are Everywhere.
The target application areas are:
- Industrial (automotive, aerospace, railways, machinery, process industry, biomedical, manufacturing, medical systems, etc.)
- Nomadic Environments (enabling devices such as PDAs, on-body systems) for the mobile environment
- Private Spaces (homes, cars, offices, entertainment, comfort, well-being, safety)
- Public Infrastructures (airports, highways, railways, communication networks, security systems, energy, etc.).

ARC Seibersdorf research was represented at the exhibition by a booth displaying animated videos on the application of dependable embedded systems at NASA (time-triggered systems for the Mars mission), DARPA Grand Challenge (Embedded Vision Systems being part of one of the finalists in this race of autonomous vehicles through the desert in Nevada) and the DECOS project. The EU-funded Integrated Project DECOS - Dependable Embedded Components and Systems - was presented via videos explaining the DECOS technology in the context of automotive applications and by a demonstrator TT-Car, a model car demonstrating the advantages of time-triggered technology.
ERCIM and AARIT, the Austrian member of ERCIM, was represented at the DECOS project booth. The ERCIM Working Group, Dependable Embedded Systems (DES-WG), is cooperating closely with DECOS. The DES-WG is a dissemination partner of DECOS and DES-WG events are sponsored by DECOS.
Please contact:
Erwin Schoitsch, ARC Seibersdorf research/AARIT, Austria