by Erwin Schoitsch

The ERCIM Working Group "Dependable Embedded Software-Intensive Systems" (DES WG) co-organized two events in 2016: a workshop at the 2015 SAFECOMP conference in Delft on 22 September and a special session on "Teaching, Education and Training for Dependable Embedded Cyber-Physical Systems" at the Euromicro SEAA/DSD Conference on 26-28 August 2015 in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

The already well established ERCIM/EWICS/ARTEMIS Workshop on Dependable Embedded Cyber-physical Systems and Systems-of-Systems” (DECSoS) was held as a full-day workshop on 22 September in conjunction with the SAFECOMP 2015 conference in Delft, The Netherlands.

Since it was established in 1979 by the European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems, Technical Committee 7 on Reliability, Safety and Security (EWICS TC7), SAFECOMP has contributed to the progress of the state of the art in dependable application of computers in safety-related and safety-critical systems. SAFECOMP ( is an annual event covering the experience and new trends in the areas of safety, security and reliability of critical computer applications. It provides ample opportunity to exchange insights and experience on emerging methods, approaches and practical solutions. The next SAFECOMP 2016 will take place in Trondheim, Norway, 20-23 September 2016. It is being organized by Amund Skavhaug, NTNU, supported by Erwin Schoitsch, AIT, both co-chairs of the ERCIM DES WG

The DECSoS Workshop included: an overview and introduction to the Cyber-physical Systems (CPS) initiatives of the European Union; a presentation of the ARTEMIS projects; and discussions by ERCIM and EWICS. Erwin Schoitsch also presented the following four sessions:

  • Introduction, and Safety & Cyber-Security Co-assessment (3 papers)
  • Robotics and Motion Control (3 papers)
  • Modelling, Testing and Verification (3 papers)
  • Dependability and Scalability (2 papers).

The workshop was co-hosted by the following Embedded Systems/CPS projects, which were represented by papers and several other presentations:

  • CRYSTAL – “Critical Systems Engineering Factories” (
  • ARROWHEAD1 – “Ahead of the Future” (,
  • EMC2 – “Embedded Multi-Core systems for Mixed Criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments” ( )
  • R5-COP – “Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems” ( )
  • MBAT – “Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing of Embedded Systems” (,
  • nSafeCer – “Safety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with Reusable Components” (

ARTEMIS was one of the European, industry-driven research initiatives and is now part of the ECSEL Joint Technology Initiative (JTI). The current ARTEMIS projects will continue according to the ARTEMIS rules, but managed by the ECSEL JU. The workshop was very successful and led to interesting discussions, providing a good overview on current work and future perspectives. Details are available on request from Erwin Schoitsch. The proceedings have been published by Springer as SAFECOMP Workshop Proceedings LNCS 9338. Abstracts and contents are available at:

Special Session at SEAA/DSD 2015
The ERCIM/ARTEMIS/Euromicro Special Session TET-DEC (Teaching, Education and Training for Dependable Embedded Cyber-Physical Systems) was held during the SEAA/DSD 2015 conference in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal on 26-28 August. The special session covered five presentations and a concluding plenary discussion. The presentations in the first session focused partly on “E&T Use Cases” in ARTEMIS projects and their impact on industrial and university education and training. They included:

  • An introduction to the topic and an overview (Introduction to TET-DEC Session – An E&T Use Case in a European project) (Erwin Schoitsch),
  • “Reuse in Safety Critical Systems: Educational Use Case Final Results” (Miren Illarramendi Rezabal, Leire Etxeberria and Xabier Elkorobarrutia Letona from Mondragon University).

The second session discussed more general concepts around how to teach particular topics:

  • What Training is Needed by Practicing Engineers Who Create Cyberphysical Systems? (Christopher Scaffidi),
  • Teaching Software Safety to Master Students (Clara Benac Earle, Ana María Fernández-Soriano, Lars-Ake Fredlund and Elena Gómez-Martínez) and
  • Applying property-based testing in teaching safety-critical system programming (Lars-Ake Fredlund, Angel Herranz and Julio Mariño).

The plenary discussion sparked some new insights and recommendations about how to successfully motivate and engage in teaching and education and encourage use of embedded CPS. Input from overseas (the US) provided different views in this area. One recommendation made was to stimulate interest within industry by focusing on existing work in connection with the training contents, so managers can see direct benefits in terms of project outputs as a result of the training. The Proceedings have been published by IEEE CPS and are available via IEEE Explore. Details are available on request from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please contact:
Erwin Schoitsch, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, ERCIM DES WG co-chair
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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