ERCIM EEIG / W3C is partner in a new European project that develops a platform to facilitate big data usage.

The “BigDataEurope” project aims at developing a Big Data platform based on requirements identified with stakeholders from the seven H2020 societal challenges: Climate, Energy, Health, Transport, Social sciences, Food and Security. The consortium, led by Fraunhofer IAIS will engage with these communities to identify their big data technology needs, to design and realise the required ICT infrastructure and support the use and deployment of the platform.

With this platform,the project will provide companies and institutions with an integrated and ready-to-use palette of Big Data tools that is adapted to their particulary needs. Small and medium-sized companies who do often not have the resources for hiring specialized data scientists will especially benefit from the lowered entrance bar into the Big Data world as they are offered the opportunity to easily understand and use state-of-the-art data science tchniques for their business.

The project tackles two keyaspects. First, BigDataEurope will build up a network between stakeholders of the key European societal sectors. Interest groups modelled afte the W3C scheme will then be launched to discuss the particular needs of each sector in a series of workshops that will cover the whole process of data usage; from data collection, processing, storage, and visualization to the development of data services. The second aspect of the project will see tha the requirements collected in the workshops are used to guide the technical development and implememtation of the open BigDataEuurope Platform.

The first workshop, focussing on the health and demographic change societal challenge was held in Brussels on 21 May 2015. The second workshop wil focuses on “smart, green and integrated transport”. Participants to this workshop will have the opportunity to influence the design, and ultimate benefit from the Big Data platform that the BigDataEurope project will deliver.

BigDataEurope started in January 2015, and will last three years.


Please contact:
Sören Auer, Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. dot de


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