W3C Europe will celebrate its twentieth anniversary with a symposium on Tuesday, 5 May in the Paris town hall.

The Web was born in Europe and W3C is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the European branch of W3C in Paris. Europe has played a fundamental role for the success of the Web. First of all, the founding of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1994 became possible with the support by CERN, DARPA and the European Commission. Since 1995, when Inria hosted the European branch of W3C, the European Commission funded W3C activities in Europe, as for example the development of Web accessibility rules, enabling people with disabilities to participate equally on the Web. Since 2003, W3C Europe is hosted by ERCIM EEIG.

W3C will celebrate 20 years of work accomplished by European stakeholders for the benefit of the Web with a symposium on 5 May. Speakers will include, among others, representatives from Paris city council, the European Commission and the French government. The closing talk will be given by Tim Berners-Lee, Web Inventor and W3C Director. About 250 invited guests - global strategists, business leaders and developers - are expected to attend.

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